Yogesh Joshi
(Scientist ARIES)
Recently, large catalogues of exoplanet and eclipsing binary candidates are reported in the Kepler archival data. In the framework of BINA, we therefore initiated a long-term project "Optical characterization and Radial velocity monitoring with Belgian and Indian Telescopes (ORBIT)" which focuses on ground-based photometric monitoring and high-resolution spectroscopic observations of selected exoplanet candidates and low-mass eclipsing binary candidates using the Indo-Belgian telescopes. We initially focus our study on few bright candidates for which radial velocity monitoring could be possible from the recently mounted high-resolution spectrograph on 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT). Along with planned photometric observations using small-size telescopes at ARIES, Nainital, we aim to determine their physical parameters with a great precision. Having enough sample off such low-mass objects, we aim to understand their mass-radius characteristic which is still debated towards the lower-mass regime. Furthermore, if a transit occurs during the period of spectroscopic observations, it may also help to monitor the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect which plays an important role in the understanding of the characteristics of the secondary star, particularly in the case of a low-mass star or planetary companion.
Primary author
Yogesh Joshi
(Scientist ARIES)
Alaxender Panchal
Aruna Goswami Goswami
(Indian Institute of Astrophysics)
Lore Vermeylen
(Royal Observatory of Belgium)
Patricia Lampens
(Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van België)
Peter De Cat
(Royal Observatory of Belgium)