Nathalie Kalb (BIRA-IASB), Meeting host
Jean-Christopher Lambert (BIRA-IASB), ACSG Chair, Meeting host
Michel Van Roozendael (BIRA-IASB), Meeting host
Barry Lefer (NASA), AC-VC Co-chair
Hiroshi Tanimoto (NIES), AC-VC Co-chair
Ben Veihelmann (ESA), AC-VC Co-chair
Shobha Kondragunta (NOAA), AC-VC Aerosol Air Quality Lead
Diego Loyola (DLR), AC-VC Ozone Lead
John R. Worden (CalTech/NASA-JPL), AC-VC Greenhouse Gas Lead
Should you have any peculiar questions, please contact the local host or the leadership team by email.