Sep 19 – 21, 2023
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB)
Europe/Brussels timezone

Update: Presentations and recordings are available on the RoadMap website.


Welcome to the webpage of the Dust on Mars Workshop of the RoadMap project.

This event  will be hosted by the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) and will take place from 19 to 21 September 2023. The address is Ringlaan 3 1180 Brussels, Belgium

The workshop will be organized as a mix of invited lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions. The workshop will address different topics related to dust and clouds, their characteristics (dynamics, radiative), their characterisation in the lab, and detection using remote sensing instruments. There will be also interaction with students from the LUCA Art School who created artistic visualizations of Martian dust data.

Invited lectures:
Optical properties of Martian dust - I. Laboratory measurements, Olga Muñoz (IAA, Spain)
Optical properties of Martian dust - II. Modeling, Julia Martikainen (IAA, Spain)
Collisions of grains: From sticking to fragmentation, Gerhard Wurm (UDE, Germany)
Wind driven dust and sand transport, Jonathan Merrison (AU, Denmark)
Dust aerosol properties on Mars from spacecraft: A current perspective, Yannick Willame (BIRA-IASB, Belgium) & Mike Wolff (SSI, USA)
Light polarization and its use in retrievals of atmospheric particles (clouds, aerosols), Filip Vanhellemont (BIRA-IASB, Belgium)
GCM modelling of dust: transport and radiative effects, Lori Neary (BIRA-IASB, Belgium)
Monitoring Martian dust storms by multi-satellite observations, Luca Montabone (SSI, USA)


The workshop will support travel and lodging costs of a restricted number of PhD or Master students as well as early career researchers. If you are interested, please consult the tab "Bursaries". 


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004052.
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB)
Nicolet Room 1 & 2
Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussels, Belgium
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Registration for this event is currently open.