D. Hart
E. Robert
6/2/15, 10:25 AM
The European and Global air transport environment is gradually evolving
towards a fully time ordered system instead of the distance based system
of managing flying aircraft in European and Global skies. The supporting
Air Traffic Management functions will need to adapt from a technical
point of view and from the perspective how these services are delivered
to the users. Emilien ROBERT and...
D. Poelman
M. Reyniers
6/2/15, 11:15 AM
Since mid 2013, the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium sends the output of the INCA-BE system in real-time to Belgocontrol, the Belgian air traffic safety authority. INCA-BE is a nowcasting system for the analysis and nowcasts of several meteorological fields, like temperature, humidity, wind, cloudiness, precipitation and some derived fields like precipitation type and visibility. It...
J. Andries
6/2/15, 1:45 PM
STCE workshop - Natural Hazard Assessment for Aviation
The Solar Influences Data analysis Centre is the Solar Physics and Space Weather department of the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The Sun is the main driver of Space Weather and with several instruments keeping a close eye on the Solar activity every day, the centre is delivering key information to the assessment and forecasting of Space Weather conditions. In its capacity of Regional Warning...